SQL rows dissapear when join added -

select     tblartworktemplates.id, tblartworktemplates.datecreated, tblspecifications.txtpagination, tblspecifications.flatsizew width,                        tblspecifications.flatsizel length, tblspecifications.flatsizeuom uom,                           (select     count(1) expr1                                      tblartworkuploads                                  (templateid = tblartworktemplates.id)) uploadcount,                           (select     count(1) talks                                      tblartworktemplatemessages                                  (templateid = tblartworktemplates.id)) talkcount, tblartworktemplates.lasteditping, tblusers.username expr1         tblusers inner join                       tblartworktemplates inner join                       tblspecifications on tblartworktemplates.specid = tblspecifications.id on tblusers.id = tblartworktemplates.editpinguserid     (tblartworktemplates.userid = 70) 

the tblusers join causing rows disapear when tblartworktemplates.editpinguserid null. using wrong sort of join type?

maybe try left outer join.. or right outer join..

wikipedia informations join


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