selection - Zend Framework: select element - how to set required? -

how set status "required" zend_form_element_select when has value "0"?

$country = new zend_form_element_select('wbm_country');     $country->setlabel('select:')             ->setrequired(true)             ->addmultioptions(array(0 => ' ----------- ') + $this->_countries_select); 

when wbm_country 0 doesn't show error @ all.:(

if want 0 give error can use

    $required = new zend_validate_notempty ();     $required->settype ($required->gettype() | zend_validate_notempty::integer | zend_validate_notempty::zero);      $country = new zend_form_element_select('wbm_country');     $country->setlabel('select:')     ->addvalidators (array ($required))     ->addmultioptions(array(0 => ' ----------- ') + $this->_countries_select); 


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