php - Zend_Navigation: Getting Only the Pages Accessible by the Current User/Role -

i have zend_navigation running data provided navigation.xml file. let's assume first level (0) consists of 2 pages, frontend , backend. frontend accessible guest role, backend admin role.

if a

<?php echo $this->navigation()->menu()->setmaxdepth(0); ?> 

it correctly displays "frontend" link when not logged in, , both "frontend" , "backend" links when logged in admin.

however, displaying "frontend" link doesn't make sense guests, because don't have other pages navigate on level anyway. rather not display navigation @ guests.

i know do

<?php if ('guest' !== $this->view->role) {     echo $this->navigation()->menu(); } ?> 

but i'm hoping better way this.

what i'm looking like

<?php if (count($this->navigation()->getpagesforrole($this->view->role)) > 1) {     echo $this->navigation()->menu(); } ?> 

i can't figure out how achieve api provided zend_navigation... see there getpages() method, returns pages "unfiltered".

i assume there easy solution this, i've been trying figure out past 2 hours , found nothing, guess i'm looking in wrong direction.

thanks time.


i forgot mention navigation using acl control privileges, , it's working fine. problem not want display frontend/backend navigation guests, because navigation of 1 link item pretty useless. sorry confusion.

zend navigation requires zend_acl instance achieve that. have adjust navigation config include resource/privilege information, e.g.

$navarray = array( …,      array(        'module' => 'admin',        'label' => 'administration',        'resource' => 'admin',        'privilege' => 'index',        'pages' => array(      … ); 


then need set acl defining access restrictions resources , privileges.

  $acl = new zend_acl();   $acl->addrole(new zend_acl_role('user'))       ->addrole(new zend_acl_role('admin'));    … 


your acl has set navigation helper, along role of current user

$this->gethelper('navigation')     ->setacl($acl)     ->setrole('user'); 

after that, calls helper api should aware of acl. in above example, admin menu should not rendered, if user disallowed access in acl.

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