math - How do I convert an IP address into an integer between 1 and 3? -

i'm not mathematician may stupid question...but - there way translate ip addresses integers between 1 , 3, whereby there a) equal distribution of 1's, 2's , 3's , b) each ip address translate same integer? (in essence, hash).

i'm using 3 example - ideally i'd range limit customizable.

 $highest_allowed_integer = 3; $integer = get_evenly_distributed_but_always_identical_integer($_server["remote_addr"],$highest_allowed_integer); 


treat entire ipv4 address number in base 256 (that means translate (4 << 24) + (3 << 16) + (2 << 8) + 1), mod 3, , add 1.

on little digression, might want concept of hashing.


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