Java won't run because there a break statement outside a loop, but I have it inside a loop -

i'm having 2 weird errors

new error when tell java draw string displays coordinateness of x , y, doesn't.

public void paint (graphics g) {     super.paint (g);     //system.out.println ("boolean: " + this.closedoors);       g.drawstring("("+x+","+y+")",x,y); } 

link program if compile it.

this complete program

/*  * change template, choose tools | templates  * , open template in editor.  */ import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.applet.applet; import;  /**  *  * @author george beazer  */ public class pigment extends japplet  {     boolean closedoors;     private int x = 0;     private int y = 0;       public static void main(string [] args)     {             pigment stuff = new pigment();     }     public pigment()      {          setbackground (;     }      @override     public void init()     {          setlayout(new flowlayout());          addmouselistener(new mymouselistener());     }     @override     public void paint (graphics g)     {         super.paint (g);         //system.out.println ("boolean: " + this.closedoors);           g.drawstring("("+x+","+y+")",x,y);          if (x > 35)              {                             g.drawline (35, 50, 570, 50);                 g.drawline (35, 50, 250, 0);                 g.drawline (250, 0, 570, 50);                 g.drawrect (50, 50, 500, 350);                 g.fillrect (100, 75, 80, 80);                 g.fillrect (400, 75, 80, 80);                 g.fillrect (240, 200, 125, 200);               }          else             {                     g.drawline (35, 50, 570, 50);             g.drawline (35, 50, 250, 0);             g.drawline (250, 0, 570, 50);             g.drawline (180, 120, 100, 120);             g.drawline (400, 120, 480, 120);             g.drawline (140, 75, 140, 160);             g.drawline (450, 75, 450, 160);             g.drawrect (50, 50, 500, 350);             g.drawrect (100, 75, 80, 80);             g.drawrect (400, 75, 80, 80);             g.drawrect (240, 200, 125, 200);             g.drawoval (330,280, 20, 20);             }       }     private class mymouselistener implements mouselistener     {         public void mouseclicked (mouseevent e)         {             x = e.getx();             y = e.gety();          }          public void mouseentered (mouseevent e)         {           }         public void mouseexited(mouseevent e){}         public void mousepressed (mouseevent e){          }         public void mousereleased (mouseevent e){}      }  } 

with regards first question, reason you're getting compiler error here:

if (x > 35) {     g.drawline (35, 50, 570, 50);     g.drawline (35, 50, 250, 0);      repaint();     break;   } 

is break statement not in loop. in java, can break out of while, for, do...while, , switch statements, not if statements. there's not particularly reason - it's historical - compiler indeed enforce it.

of 3 aforementioned control structures, for, while, , do...while referred loops because execute code potentially many times. break statement in case way of saying "please abort execution of current loop; don't want run more." opposite continue, means "please go next iteration of loop."

the reason can break out of switch because java's switch statement based on c programming language's version of switch in labels "fall-through." in context, break means "i have finished executing of code want execute in particular label; please me out of statement." interestingly, can break out of switch, can't continue.

however, cannot break out of if statement. there no high-level reason this, , in fact language designers have allowed behavior mean "stop executing part of if statement." think reason opted not if statements have sort of "implicit break" @ end of each handler. example, if write

if (condition()) {     // } else {     // b } // c 

then after executing a, control flow jump c, rather falling through else handler.

if want simulate break out of of middle of if statement, this:

if (condition()) {      // code       if (someothercondition()) {           // more code      } } 

the idea here run if statement time, decide using second if statement whether or not run rest of code in loop.

hope helps!


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