java - How to check, throw and catch bean's validation ConstraintViolationException -

consider following case:

  • i have "serivce" module has class called clientservice.

  • this clientservice uses class called clientdao in "dao" module.

  • clientdao has method insert(@valid client c). method throws daoexception.

  • client entity. attributes annotated javax bean validations, @javax.validation.constraints.notnull.

if constraint violated, clientservice receives constraintviolationexception. clientservice expects daoexception or other exception of "dao" module. , want keep way, throwing exceptions related directly task object does, hiding implementation details higher layer (in case, "service" module).

what encapsulate javax.validation.constraintviolationexception in validationexception of "dao" module, , declare in trows clause, alongside daoexception. , don't want perform validation checks myself (that's why use @valid annotation)

here code (abstracting interfaces, injections , else. make simple)

package service;  class clientservice {     insert(client c) throws serviceexception {         try {             new clientdao().insert(c);         } catch( daoexception e) {             throw new serviceexception(e);         }     } }  package dao;  class clientdao {     insert(@valid client c) throws daoexception {         myentitymanageroranypersistencestrategy.insert(c);     } } 

i change dao class like:

package dao;  class clientdao {     insert(@valid client c) throws daoexception, myvalidationexception {         myentitymanageroranypersistencestrategy.insert(c);     } } 

but have no idea how in way described.

ftr, i'm using spring web flow , hibernate in project. dao module contains @repository classes , service module contains @service classes.

perhaps don't understand something, guess in case validation performed automatically persistence provider , has nothing @valid annotation.

if so, can catch constraintviolationexception inside dao method:

class clientdao {     insert(@valid client c) throws daoexception, myvalidationexception {         try {             myentitymanageroranypersistencestrategy.insert(c);         } catch (constraintviolationexception ex) {             throw new myvalidationexception(...);         }     } } 


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