Iterating over a JSON array in scala -

i'm using json lib net.sf.json( in scala code. also, i'm using specs bdd framework ( unit testing. in dobefore block, have following code:

dobefore {   iter = serversjson.iterator() } 

serversjson jsonarray object. outside dobefore block, have declared variables used follows

var serversjson:jsonarray = null var iter:iterator[jsonarray] = null 

but on compilation i'm getting following error.

error: type mismatch; found : java.util.iterator[?0] type ?0 required: java.util.iterator[net.sf.json.jsonarray] iter = serversjson.iterator()

i guess way have declared iter object outside dobefore incorrect. how fix this?

please thank you.

as indicated here, json library's iterator method returns raw iterator, not iterator[jsonarray]. you'll want declare follows:

var serversjson:jsonarray = null var iter:iterator[_] = null 


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