How to connect android wifi to adhoc wifi? -


i'm new on android system. correct, android 2.2.1 wifi detects non-ad hoc wireless network? wondering if there's way connect android ad hoc network set-up laptop.

your response highly appreciated.

thanks, cyril h.

you correct not natively supported in android, although google has been saying coming ever since android officially launched.

while not natively supported, hardware on every android device released date support it. disabled in software, , need enable in order use these features.

it however, easy this, need root, , specifics may different between different devices. best source more informationa this, xda developers: of existing solutions based on replacing wpa_supplicant, , method recommend if possible on device. more details, see

update: been few years now, , whenever need ad hoc network connection on phone use cyanogenmod. gives both programmatic , scripted access these functions, , ability create ad hoc (ibss) networks in wifi settings menu.


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