debugging - CSS HasLayout IE7 Bug -

first off, i've read following articles, brush on issues , i've dealt them before:

position relative / absolute / fixed in ie

for people these problems might new , above help, in case, have following in non-ie browsers: [image]

and following in ie7 [image]

i understand need trigger haslayout = true on large brown <div id="footer"> because position: relative triggering haslayout = false in ie7. i've tried zoom: 1, , display: inline-block in attempt trigger haslayout on #footer no success.

here site live viewing pleasure:

the cause of disappearing div haslayout false on #footer.

how can trigger it?!

@sweetroll correct, has nothing haslayout.

the problem inside /wp/wp-content/themes/custom_bellydance_theme/style.css.

you have 2 lines (specifically, lines 354 , 438) contain filter rule:

filter:'auto expand', /* ie6,ie7 */                        m11=0.9986295347545738, m12=0.05233595624294383, m21=-0.05233595624294383, m22=0.9986295347545738); 

seemingly, css after either of lines not parsed ie7.

if remove both of lines, site fixed in ie7.

i'm not sure actual problem lines. tried removing /* */ comments inside lines, made no difference.

i'd suggest best way proceed forget having rotated date hover things on ie6/7. it's not important effect, , it's in 2 unimportant browsers. if that's unacceptable, make question see if else knows reason (if do, make sure link question).

i'm glad decided link site.

it would've otherwise been impossible figure out.


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