compression - How to print the content of a tar.gz file with Java? -

i have implement application permits printing content of files within tar.gz file.

for example:
if have 3 files in folder called testx:
a.txt contains words "god save queen"
b.txt contains words "ubi maior, minor cessat"
c.txt.gz file compressed gzip contain file c.txt words "hello america!!"

so compress testx, obtain compressed tar file: testx.tar.gz.

so java application print in console:
"god save queen"
"ubi maior, minor cessat"
"hello america!!"

i have implemented zip version , works well, keeping tar library apache ant, noticed not easy zip java utils.

could me?

i have started looking on net understand how accomplish aim, have following code:

gzipinputstream gzipinputstream=null; gzipinputstream = new gzipinputstream( new fileinputstream(filename)); tarinputstream =  new tarinputstream(gzipinputstream); tarentry entryx = null;  while((entryx = is.getnextentry()) != null) {     if (entryx.isdirectory()) continue;     else {         system.out.println(entryx.getname());         if ( entryx.getname().endswith("txt.gz")){             is.copyentrycontents(out);             // out outputstream!!          }     } } 

so in line is.copyentrycontents(out), possible save on file stream passing outputstream, don't want it! in zip version after keeping first entry, zipentry, can extract stream compressed root folder, testx.tar.gz, , create new zipinputstream , play obtain content.

is possible tar.gz file?


surfing net, have encountered interesting idea @ :

after converting ours tarentry stream, can adopt same idea used zip files like:

inputstream tmpin = new streamingtarentry(is,  entryx.getsize()); // use bufferedreader 1 line @ time bufferedreader gzipreader = new bufferedreader(                        new inputstreamreader(                         new gzipinputstream(                         inputzip )));  while (gzipreader.ready()) { system.out.println(gzipreader.readline()); } gzipreader.close(); 

so code print content of file testx.tar.gz ^_^


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