clr - what is the difference between building static and dynamic language for .net? -

i student , want build own .net language general purpose, see how done, , learn new. you think better choice? build static language targets clr or build dynamic language on top of dlr?

  1. what steps in process of building these 2 kinds of languages different?
  2. what available tools generating scanner, parser , cil code? found people recommend antlr parser generator generating ast, , translating dlr expression tree, doesn't need generate cil code.

i recommend antlr, , book it. unless know grammar generation, you'll need reference material.

i recommend using antlr ast generate codedom. use dlr or not, depending on kind of language want make.

i've had great success both routes though.

i've generated cil, wasn't awesome did work. leave last resort.


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