Can't get neural network result in MATLAB -

i guess question simple, anyway...

i've created neural network using

net = newff(entry_borders, [20, 10], {'logsig', 'logsig'}, 'traingdx'); 

where entry_borders array 50x2: [(0,1), (0,1), ...]

it must network hidden layer 50 entries , 10 outputs, isn't it?

but when run this:

test_result = sim(net, zeros(50)); disp(test_result); 

i matrix 10x50 elements in test_result (instead of 10 scalar values) - what's that?? i'm not speaking teaching process that's why here's sily code...

zeros(50) gives 50x50 matrix, treated 50 examples (each of dimension 50), gives 50 predictions (each of size 10)


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