Alternatives to SQL? (Alternative declarative query languages for relational databases?) -

i came across htsql, reminded me of question i've wondered: alternative declarative query languages relational databases out there? complaints exist against sql, i'd expect many, googling has been unfruitful.

various programming languages have list/monad comprehensions, i'm looking more actual implementation relational databases. great highlight major differences vs. sql (readability, modularity, concision, etc.). implementation needs open-source, , ideally can use against existing rdbms, e.g. postgresql.

here's complete list, links illustrative example code (moved examples in question down here):

  • muldis d: terse perl-inspired syntax; designed practical full scripting language.

  • htsql: terse; optimized foreign key joins; limited expressiveness.

  • mdx:

    the multidimensional expressions (mdx) language provides specialized syntax querying , manipulating multidimensional data stored in olap cubes.[1] while possible translate of these traditional sql, require synthesis of clumsy sql expressions simple mdx expressions. mdx has been embraced wide majority of olap vendors , has become de facto standard olap systems.

    i think of pivot tables on rdbmss. pushed ms (not sure if it's still being pushed - seems old now). pentaho mondrian implementation works jdbc provider.

  • piql: "performance-predictable" language subset of sql; designed transaction processing; left out till noticed rails implementation, though doesn't complete may remove this

  • pig: marriage of sql, imperative style, , nested data model; due nature of underlying processing framework (map-reduce/hadoop), limited equijoins; not relational databases, should remove :)

  • linq sql (this doesn't count, it's embedded sql, hell): imo more natural syntax ordering sql; supports nested data model


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