user interface - Implementing a macro recorder for a python gui? -

i'm wondering how go implementing macro recorder python gui (probably pyqt, ideally agnostic). in excel instead of getting vb macros, create python code. made tkinter callbacks pass through single class logged actions. unfortunately class doing logging bit ugly , i'm looking nicer one. while did make nice separation of gui rest of code, seems unusual in terms of usual signals/slots wiring. there better way?

the intention user can work way through data analysis procedure in graphical interface, seeing effect of decisions. later recorded procedure applied other data minor modification , without needing start gui.

you apply command design pattern: when user executes action, generate command represents changes required. implement sort of command pipeline executes commands themselves, calling methods have. once commands executed, can serialize them or take note of them way want , load series of commands when need re-execute procedure.


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