sql - how do I subtract date oracle with one record -

i have table 1 column in date format. want calculate time difference between 2 records, can me? need query in sql or pl/sql.

order_id;order_status_id;order_date 8296;16;22-2-2011 13:56:31 8295;22;22-2-2011 13:07:15 

the query should result in 00:49:45 or close this.

can help? thx!


the question isn't how want calculate - how want shown. date arithmetic simple:

select date2 - date1     (select to_date('22-2-2011 13:07:15','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') date1,             to_date('22-2-2011 13:56:31','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') date2      dual); 

gives answer, decimal. how translate visual display?

select to_char(trunc(sysdate) + mod(date2 - date1,1),'hh24:mi:ss')     (select to_date('22-2-2011 13:07:15','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') date1,             to_date('22-2-2011 13:56:31','dd-mm-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') date2      dual); 

ok, nicely formatted.

oh, except if want store interval? or if interval more 1 day need format differently.

so - need actual interval other purposes? or want display interval in given format? depending on need guide answer.

but interval easy. subtraction. in case

select yt2.order_date - yt1.order_date yourtable yt1, yourtable yt2 yt1.order_id = 8295 ,   yt2.order_id = 8296;  


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