php - Cleaning pixels from a map -


we have map, need use php take shades of blue out, percentages. problem is, of percentages in same color borders, , other times, percentages go border. need use image.

there not (afaik) easy ways.

the easiest way doesn't give results: separate channels , delete small components.

the result this:

enter image description here

as can see there few numbers , percent signs remaining because connected delimiting lines , deleting small components doesn't work them.

if need better job, should correlate image template of each number, , once identified, delete it.

here can see result of correlation number "2":

enter image description here

one wrong "2" identified, (see top left), more sophisticated approach may needed general procedure.

anyway, think these kind of manipulation beyond can expect k-12.



as per request, detail first method.

you first separate 3 channels, , 3 images:

enter image description here

you keep third (the blue channel)

then need delete smaller components. there lot of methods that, easiest derived connectivity detection example in flood-fill algorithm, measure components without filling them.
basic (not optimized) idea travel every pixel in image , count how many pixels "connected" it. if there less specified number (threshold), delete whole set. image manipulation libraries have these functions implemented.


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