java - SeleneseTestCase is deprecated - how to call verify* methods? -

when use code generated junit 4 formatter in selenium ide, warnings class selenesetestcase deprecated - makes sense since it's supposed b junit 4 syntax , use annotations instead of deriving test class.

the issue when modify code not extend selenesetestcase i'm not sure how call verify* methods - appear exist in deprecated class. can run selenium actions using code below verifytrue undefined. correct way call verify methods in selenium 2.0b2?

private static selenium selenium;  @before public void setup() throws exception {     selenium = new defaultselenium("localhost", 4444, "*chrome", "");     selenium.start(); }  @test public void testlogin() throws exception {"/test.html");     verifytrue(selenium.istextpresent("please sign in"));     ..... 

i think idea use junit's assert.assertxxx() difference verifyxxx fail during teardown instead of think selenium tests want fail fast possible (since tests tend slow).


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