iphone - View without active TabBarItem -

is there way add tabbarcontroller view displayed without tabitem must active? if so, how can implemented?


i have tabbarcontroller 5 tabbaritems. when start app, default first tabitem active. would, however, none of tabbaritems active , view displayed (tabbar remains visible). if type in first tabbaritem, appropriate view becomes visible.

well came across need, , must tell had implement own tab bar so.

the tabbarcontroller designed have @ least 1 tab active. there few hacks posted online, 1 of them here in stackoverflow. wouldn't waste time trying stuff. didn't work me , quicker start coding being "trial , error" hack can app kicked out of app store.

the tabbarcontroller not meant subclass reason. wouldn't recommend extend it. since change in api can make app crash.

here's tutorial on how tabbar 1 on twitter app. http://idevrecipes.com/2010/12/17/twitter-app-tab-bar-animation/

i'm sorry can't share code community. contract stuff, know. :(


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