iphone - Crash when using Between Predicate Statement and Float -

so i'm searching core data item inside current map's longitude , latitude. everytime run statement crashes.

the code:

    nserror *error = nil;     nsfetchrequest *boutiquerequest = [[nsfetchrequest alloc] init];     nspredicate *predicatetorun = nil;      [boutiquerequest setentity:[nsentitydescription entityforname:@"boutique" inmanagedobjectcontext:managedobjectcontext]];  nslog(@"ne longitude: %f", [necoordlong floatvalue]); nslog(@"ne latitude: %f", [necoordlat floatvalue]);     nslog(@"sw longitude: %f", [swcoordlong floatvalue]);     nslog(@"sw latitude: %f", [swcoordlat floatvalue]);     nspredicate *longpredicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"longitude between %@", [nsarray arraywithobjects:necoordlong, swcoordlong, nil]];     nspredicate *latpredicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @"latitude between %@", [nsarray arraywithobjects:necoordlat, swcoordlat, nil]];     predicatetorun = [nscompoundpredicate andpredicatewithsubpredicates:[nsarray arraywithobjects:longpredicate, latpredicate, nil]];      [boutiquerequest setpredicate:predicatetorun];     nslog(@"%@", [boutiquerequest predicate]);     nsarray *results = [managedobjectcontext executefetchrequest:boutiquerequest error:&error]; 

as call executefetchrequest gives me following crash report

2011-02-24 17:42:43.183 dl2[363:207] ne longitude: 153.5058 2011-02-24 17:42:43.183 dl2[363:207] ne latitude: -27.811142 2011-02-24 17:42:43.183 dl2[363:207] sw longitude: 153.286057 2011-02-24 17:42:43.184 dl2[363:207] sw latitude: -28.033804 2011-02-24 17:42:43.184 dl2[363:207] longitude between {153.5058, 153.2861} , latitude between {-27.81114, -28.0338}

2011-02-24 13:57:18.916 dl2[9628:207] -[nscfnumber constantvalue]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0x954ba80     2011-02-24 13:57:18.925 dl2[9628:207] *** terminating app due uncaught exception 'nsinvalidargumentexception', reason: '-[nscfnumber constantvalue]: unrecognized selector sent instance 0x954ba80'     *** call stack @ first throw:     (         0   corefoundation                      0x0121abe9 __exceptionpreprocess + 185         1   libobjc.a.dylib                     0x0136f5c2 objc_exception_throw + 47         2   corefoundation                      0x0121c6fb -[nsobject(nsobject) doesnotrecognizeselector:] + 187         3   corefoundation                      0x0118c366 ___forwarding___ + 966         4   corefoundation                      0x0118bf22 _cf_forwarding_prep_0 + 50         5   coredata                            0x00e18a0b -[nssqlsimplewhereintermediate _generatesqlbetweenstringincontext:] + 1211         6   coredata                            0x00d48931 -[nssqlsimplewhereintermediate generatesqlstringincontext:] + 897         7   coredata                            0x00d4843d -[nssqlcompoundwhereintermediate _generatemulticlausestringincontext:] + 205         8   coredata                            0x00d48342 -[nssqlcompoundwhereintermediate generatesqlstringincontext:] + 770         9   coredata                            0x00d47afa -[nssqlfetchintermediate generatesqlstringincontext:] + 122         10  coredata                            0x00e0b31d -[nssqlgenerator newsqlstatementforfetchrequest:ignoreinheritance:countonly:nestinglevel:] + 413         11  coredata                            0x00d43a78 -[nssqladapter _newselectstatementwithfetchrequest:ignoreinheritance:] + 488         12  coredata                            0x00d43881 -[nssqladapter newselectstatementwithfetchrequest:] + 49         13  coredata                            0x00d4372e -[nssqlcore newrowsforfetchplan:] + 430         14  coredata                            0x00d42ab5 -[nssqlcore objectsforfetchrequest:incontext:] + 357         15  coredata                            0x00d4266e -[nssqlcore executerequest:withcontext:error:] + 206         16  coredata                            0x00df20ec -[nspersistentstorecoordinator executerequest:withcontext:error:] + 1084         17  coredata                            0x00d3f807 -[nsmanagedobjectcontext executefetchrequest:error:] + 359         18  dl2                                 0x00021060 -[boutiquelistviewcontroller getboutiquestoshow] + 1449         19  dl2                                 0x0002164f -[boutiquelistviewcontroller viewdidload] + 211         20  uikit                               0x003f265e -[uiviewcontroller view] + 179         21  dl2                                 0x0001ff4e -[boutiquemaptabviewcontroller openlist] + 698         22  dl2                                 0x0001f9f3 -[boutiquemaptabviewcontroller tabbar:didselectitem:] + 110         23  uikit                               0x00542167 -[uitabbar _sendaction:withevent:] + 283         24  uikit                               0x00344a6e -[uiapplication sendaction:to:from:forevent:] + 119         25  uikit                               0x003d31b5 -[uicontrol sendaction:to:forevent:] + 67         26  uikit                               0x003d5647 -[uicontrol(internal) _sendactionsforevents:withevent:] + 527         27  uikit                               0x003d316c -[uicontrol sendactionsforcontrolevents:] + 49         28  uikit                               0x00344a6e -[uiapplication sendaction:to:from:forevent:] + 119         29  uikit                               0x003d31b5 -[uicontrol sendaction:to:forevent:] + 67         30  uikit                               0x003d5647 -[uicontrol(internal) _sendactionsforevents:withevent:] + 527         31  uikit                               0x003d41f4 -[uicontrol touchesended:withevent:] + 458         32  uikit                               0x003690d1 -[uiwindow _sendtouchesforevent:] + 567         33  uikit                               0x0034a37a -[uiapplication sendevent:] + 447         34  uikit                               0x0034f732 _uiapplicationhandleevent + 7576         35  graphicsservices                    0x01b3da36 purpleeventcallback + 1550         36  corefoundation                      0x011fc064 __cfrunloop_is_calling_out_to_a_source1_perform_function__ + 52         37  corefoundation                      0x0115c6f7 __cfrunloopdosource1 + 215         38  corefoundation                      0x01159983 __cfrunlooprun + 979         39  corefoundation                      0x01159240 cfrunlooprunspecific + 208         40  corefoundation                      0x01159161 cfrunloopruninmode + 97         41  graphicsservices                    0x01b3c268 gseventrunmodal + 217         42  graphicsservices                    0x01b3c32d gseventrun + 115         43  uikit                               0x0035342e uiapplicationmain + 1160         44  dl2                                 0x000028fc main + 102         45  dl2                                 0x0000288d start + 53 

i can't seem see problem. don't know if i'm close it, or if it's being float or what! appreciated

well wasn't able solve why between function didn't work - mysql doesn't allow between on floating point numbers either. i'm going assume it's similar reason.

i changed code merely create it's own between statement.

    nspredicate *longpredicate = nil;     nspredicate *latpredicate = nil;     if ([necoordlong floatvalue] > [swcoordlong floatvalue])     {         longpredicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @" longitude <= %@ , longitude >= %@", necoordlong, swcoordlong];     }else {         longpredicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @" longitude <= %@ , longitude >= %@", swcoordlong, necoordlong];     }     if ([necoordlat floatvalue] > [swcoordlat floatvalue])     {         latpredicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @" latitude <= %@ , latitude >= %@", necoordlat, swcoordlat];     }else {         latpredicate = [nspredicate predicatewithformat: @" latitude <= %@ , latitude >= %@", swcoordlat, necoordlat];     } 

hopefully helps else


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