internet explorer 9 - IE9 RC1 incorrectly encoding input field names that have character entities -

i think may have found bug latest ie9 release candidate, before log issue on, wanted validate brains-trust here understanding correct.


a html form contains input field, name attribute contains character entities (&quot), eg. <input type="text" name="mytext[identifier=&quot;test&quot;]" value="hello">

in ie8, ff, safari & chrome, when form submitted, non-safe ascii chars encoded in http request. above input field sent in post as


here, can see square brackets encoded %5b , %5d, equals symbol encoded %3d, , &quot entities encoded %22.

in ie9 rc1, input field being sent in post as

mytext%5bidentifier%3d% 25 22test% 25 22%5d=hello

what seems have happened here is, after non-safe ascii chars encoded, ie9 further encoding percent symbols of %22 %25 (giving %2522).

i don't think should doing (and mentioned above, no other browsers, including previous ie versions, did this).

according w3c validator, character entities such &quot in input names valid, it's not case of ie9 being stricter other browsers, first thought.

is assumption correct, , should proceed log bug in ie9?

i ran exact same issue. got around replacing nested double quotes single quotes.


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