.htaccess rewrite remove directory name from request -

i trying make redirect request [http://test.site.com/pagename--city/] [http://test.site.com/state/pagename--city/] , [http://test.site.com/pagename--city/]. 'state/pagename--city' physical directories on server. if clicks on [http://test.site.com/pagename--city/] need execute [http://test.site.com/state/pagename--city/index.php] url remain [http://test.site.com/pagename--city/]. appreciated. thnx.

.htaccess file

options +followsymlinks  rewriteengine on  rewritebase /  rewritecond %{request_uri} /(.*)--(.*)/?$ rewritecond %{request_uri} !/state/ rewriterule .* http://%{http_host}/state%{request_uri} [l]  rewritecond %{request_filename} !-d rewritecond %{request_filename} !-f rewritecond %{request_filename} !-l   rewriterule .* page.php?&[|]v1||%{request_uri}[|]v2||-[|]v3||%{http_host}[|]v4||%{request_filename}[|]v5||eol[~|~]= [qsa,l] 

rewriterule ^(.*)--(.*)$ /state/$1--$2/index.php&%{query_string} [l] 


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