GET ALL Skype Friends using skype APIs With C# -

is there way user friend using skype c#? how can active(online friends).

first must add reference @ skype4comlib com reference tab on project, make sure apllication builded x86 try use code snippet:

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using skype4comlib;  namespace example {     class skypeexample     {         static void main(string[] args)         {             skypeclass _skype = new skypeclass();             _skype.attach(7, false);              ienumerable<skype4comlib.user> users = _skype.friends.oftype<skype4comlib.user>();              users                 .where(u => u.onlinestatus == tonlinestatus.olsonline)                 .orderby(u => u.fullname)                 .tolist()                 .foreach(u => console.writeline("'{0}' online friend.", u.fullname));              console.readkey();         }     } } 

hope helps.


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