c# - Automatically binding to custom domains in IIS 7.5 from .NET Web Application (MVC 3) -

i building web application in there core library , database shared many instances. give more concrete example lets have blogging engine , users can sign own blog act independently of others on system.

each instance must have own subdomain eg: http://john.extremeblogging.tld/ , have option have own domain mapped eg: http://jonnyblogger.tld/

the problem have not knowing how notify iis 7.5 when requests come in either of domains. simple setting web application default site within iis , application can use request headers take appropriate action?

it strikes me should pretty common task don't anticipate difficult solve @ moment not sure how approach it.

any guidance appreciated.



its been long question asked, still answering might helpful others in need.

i happened work on big saas based multi-tenant project involved unique subdomains each of users site. user design , manage content on own site.

on registration of tenant/user can add domain binding iis using c# following link-


alongside need check host name request headers , subdomain name fetch subdomain specific data , interface etc.

protected override void onauthorization(authorizationcontext filter_context) {     var url = request.headers["host"];     var index = url.indexof(".");     if(index > 0)     {     var sub = url.split('.')[0];     frontsitedata = commonservice.getsitedata(sub);     } } 

please let me know if require more information.




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