sorting - Is there a partial sort command for tcl? -

as c++'s std::partial_sort do. lsort not powerful enough.

there no built-in equivalent partial_sort. think choices either implement hand in tcl, undermine whatever efficiency sought gain; or write extension exposes partial_sort interpreter. wouldn't difficult -- tcl extensions pretty easy write. here's bit of code whipped should started:

#include <algorithm> #include "tcl.h"  using namespace std;  static int partialsortcommand(clientdata dummy,         tcl_interp *interp,         int objc,         tcl_obj *const objv[]);   extern int partialsort_init(tcl_interp *interp) {     if (tcl_initstubs(interp, "8.0", 0) == null) {         return tcl_error;     }      if (tcl_pkgprovide(interp, "partialsort", "1.0") != tcl_ok) {         return tcl_error;     }      tcl_createobjcommand(interp, "partialsort", partialsortcommand,             (clientdata) null, (tcl_cmddeleteproc *) null);      return tcl_ok; }  bool compareobjs(tcl_obj *a, tcl_obj *b) {     int left, right;     tcl_getintfromobj(0, a, &left);     tcl_getintfromobj(0, b, &right);     return left < right; }  int partialsortcommand(     clientdata dummy,     tcl_interp *interp,     int objc,     tcl_obj *const objv[]) {     if (objc != 5) {         tcl_wrongnumargs(interp, 1, objv, "list start middle end");         return tcl_error;     }      tcl_obj **objs;     int count;      if (tcl_listobjgetelements(interp, objv[1], &count, &objs) != tcl_ok) {         return tcl_error;     }      int start, middle, end;     if (tcl_getintfromobj(interp, objv[2], &start) != tcl_ok) {         return tcl_error;     }      if (tcl_getintfromobj(interp, objv[3], &middle) != tcl_ok) {         return tcl_error;     }      if (tcl_getintfromobj(interp, objv[4], &end) != tcl_ok) {         return tcl_error;     }      partial_sort(&objs[start], &objs[middle], &objs[end], compareobjs);     tcl_setobjresult(interp, tcl_newlistobj(count, objs));     return tcl_ok; } 

of course rough cut. handles lists of integers. doesn't in way of error checking. it's bit cavalier respect shared tcl_obj structures. going in right directory.


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