Simple Linux word processor to create trivially styled PDF? -

i want create trivially styled pdf. what's simple linux word processor can use?:

  • i want embolden text , put headers on each page w/ enlarged text. want decide page breaks are.

  • is latex this? there latex2pdf program?

  • openoffice seems "big" (plus doesn't work on machine).

  • i consider using html , html2pdf i'm not sure paging (unless broke each file multiple html pages, shudder).

  • would enriched text (or rtf?) this? there linux word processors can produce these formats , programs can convert them pdf?

i sense i'm missing basic (this can't hard), can't figure out what.

latex job. vast majority of latex users produce pdf primary format; command pdflatex. latex suited if need automatable process. in same lines have @ apache fop xsl-fo processor can output pdf. may suited if input data xml.

if don't need automate process, may use simple word processor program such abiword or kword. both of them can work in rtf (which should sufficient need), or in own file format.


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