ruby - How to use Rake to manage multiple directory project? -

i have project consists of multiple projects, like:

my_project\ proj_a\ (code, tests, rakefile, etc) proj_b\ (code, tests, rakefile, etc) proj_c\ (code, tests, rakefile, etc)

i'd create rakefile under "my_project" can execute rakefile's in other projects. example package entire app need run tasks defined in rakefile's in proj_a, proj_b , proj_c (in order).

what's best way this? have rakefile defines tasks call out other rakefiles?

create rake task depends on other projects.

import 'projdir1/rakefile' import 'projdir2/rakefile'  task :finalproject => [:project1, :project2]   # nothing or maybe cleanup end 

the tasks :project1 , :project2 defined in external rakefiles being included.

also @ page more complex examples.


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