MySQL Query Ranking -

i have mysql query list "vote ranking" "actions" , work fine, want "id_user" doesn't repeat, made "distinct" in field.

select count( votos,  v.id_action, a.id_user, a.id_user_to, a.action, a.descripcion     votes v,     actions     v.id_action = group     v.id_action order     votos desc 

the result:

votes  act     id_user 3      3       745059251 2      20      1245069513 2      23      1245069513 2      26      100000882722297 2      29      1245069513 2      44      1040560484 2      49      1257441644 2      50      1040560484 

the expected result

votes  act  id_user 3      3    745059251 2      20   1245069513 2      26   100000882722297 2      44   1040560484 2      49   1257441644 2      50   1040560484 

if don't want duplicate users, should group a.id_user only. have aggregate actions, may want sum(a.action) or count(a.action) in place of a.action. it's hard tell should use without knowing 'action' represents.


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