c++ - sharing opengl context on different displays using ubuntu -

we have application multiple windows on different screens using 3 graphic cards. each window uses opengl render fonts, images etc... works far, except sharing resources. tried implement (fenster custom class store information context, etc...):

//a list of display names vector<string> displays; displays.push_back(":0.0"); displays.push_back(":0.1"); displays.push_back(":0.2"); displays.push_back(":0.3");     displays.push_back(":0.4");   //and loop them foreach(string dispname in displays): //dummy code  static int dblbuf[]  = {glx_rgba, glx_depth_size, 16, glx_doublebuffer, none};  display* disp; if(dispname != "default")     disp = xopendisplay(dispname.c_str()); else     disp = xopendisplay(null);  if(disp == null) {     cout << "error geting display " << dispname << endl;     return null; }  cout << "creating window on screen "<< dispname << endl;  xvisualinfo *vi = glxchoosevisual(disp, defaultscreen(disp), dblbuf);  fenster->display = disp;  fenster->window = xcreatesimplewindow(disp, rootwindow(disp, vi->screen), 1, 1, 500, 500, 0, blackpixel (disp, 0), blackpixel(disp, 0));  xsetstandardproperties(fenster->display, fenster->window, "main", "main", none,null, 0, null);  xmapwindow(disp, fenster->window);  if(fensterlist.size()==0)     fenster->glxcontext = glxcreatecontext(disp, vi, null, gl_true); else     fenster->glxcontext = glxcreatecontext(fensterlist[0]->display, vi, fensterlist[0]->glxcontext, gl_true);  xselectinput(disp, fenster->window, buttonpressmask|keypressmask);  glxmakecurrent(disp, fenster->window, fenster->glxcontext);  glenable(gl_depth_test); glclearcolor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);  xflush(disp);  fenster->id = fensterlist.size();  fensterlist.push_back(fenster);  fenster->setup(); 

this compiles fine, produces following error on runtime:

creating window on screen :0.0 creating window on screen :0.1 x error of failed request: badmatch (invalid parameter attributes)   major opcode of failed request: 137 (glx)   minor opcode of failed request: 3 (x_glxcreatecontext)   serial number of failed request: 90   current serial number in output stream: 91 

the code works when try create multiple windows on same desktop (using display :0.0).

the system ubuntu 10.10, using proprietary ati driver.

any ideas? possible?

from http://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man/xhtml/glxcreatecontext.xml :

badmatch generated if context created not share address space or screen of context specified sharelist.

the spec wording suggests should work if have direct rendering contexts , they're created same process, in practice x server and/or libgl might think differently.


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