c# - Autofac composite pattern -

i noticed quite need implement composite pattern. example:

interface iservice { ... } class service1 : iservice { ... } class service2 : iservice { ... } class compositeservice : iservice {     public compositeservice(ienumerable<iservice> services) { ... }     ... } 

i want register compositeservice iservice in container , have dependencies injected.

(looks similar decorator decorating set of services instead of one)

what's best way in autofac?

how ideal solution (for c#)?


my current registration is:

builder.registertype<service1>().named<iservice>("impl"); builder.registertype<service2>().named<iservice>("impl");  builder.register(c => new compositeservice(c.resolve<ienumerable<iservice>>("impl")))     .as<iservice>(); 

it similar decorators hand in http://nblumhardt.com/2011/01/decorator-support-in-autofac-2-4

can improved?

i haven't implemented or thought through fully, best syntax achieve is:

builder .registercomposite<iservice>((c, elements) => new compositeservice(elements)) .withelementsnamed("impl"); 

the elements parameter registration function of type ienumerable<iservice> , encapsulate c.resolve<ienumerable<iservice>>("impl").

now how write it...


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