windows - How to scan network for shares with permissions granted to users which have been deleted (and then delete them) -

i'm looking clean permissions user accounts have been deleted.

i able scan top-level shares in domain , remove permissions. i've taken @ share enum doesn't seem set type of activity.

the non-existance of user can determined successful failed lookup. means need able query ad successfully, , ad needs respond user doesn't exist. need sure able query whole distribution of ad-structure. i'm not sure way go.

you can use command cacls or icacls list permissions , take action. consider highly dangerous route go. network error causes failure in lookup result in loss of unwanted files.

instead should consider moving users quarantine ou , disabling them. list of ou members , process cacls output.

set objgroup = getobject ("ldap://cn=deletedusers, dc=your,dc=domain") each objmember in objgroup.members   wscript.echo next


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