Scan single character C -

/* program calculate trip , plan flights */ #define trip 6 #define dest 1 #include <stdio.h>  int error_dest(int type_num, int cont_num, int dest_code, int check);   int main(void) {   int check, type_num, cont_num, index, i, dest_code, trip_num, row, col;   int travelint[trip][dest], travelarea[trip];   char area_code, s, m, l, n, p, k, r, c, u, w, o;    trip_num = 7;   while (trip_num > trip)   {     printf("please enter number of trips:");     scanf("%d", &trip_num);     if ( trip_num < trip)     {        printf("valid trip number. please proceed enter destination code.\n");     }     else     {       printf("invalid trips. please enter no more 6 trips.\n");     }   }    /*********************************************************************************/    (i=0; < trip_num ; i++)  /*destination code input*/   {        printf("please enter destination code:");     scanf("%d", &dest_code);                   /*input of destination code*/     check = error_dest(type_num, cont_num, dest_code, check);     if (check == 2)     { travelint[i][0]=dest_code; }     else     {       while (check == 1)       {         printf("please enter destination code:");         scanf("%d", &dest_code);                   /*input of destination code*/         check = error_dest(type_num, cont_num, dest_code, check);         if (check == 2)         { travelint[i][0]=dest_code; }        }     }     printf("please select following best describes destination:\n");     printf("s small city - population under 50,000\n");     printf("m medium city - population between 50,000 , 500,000\n");     printf("l large city - pop. on 500,000\n");     printf("n natural formation mountain, lake, cave, geyser, fjord, canyon, etc.\n");     printf("p designated park or reserve such wildlife refuge, national park, bioreserve, or protected marine area\n");     printf("k man made landmark great wall of china, taj mahal, or stonehenge\n");     printf("r state or province or region of country\n");     printf("c whole country\n");     printf("u multiple countries traveling through europe\n");     printf("w ocean voyage\n");     printf("o other type of destination - such visiting sites of 7 wonders of world\n");     printf("please enter area letter code:");     scanf("%c", &area_code);           }   /*******************************************************************************/    /*print destination_code*/    (row = 0; row < trip_num; row++)   {     (col=0; col < dest; col++)       printf("trip[%d] = %d\n", row+1, travelint[row][col]);   }    return 0;    }  error_dest(type_num, cont_num, dest_code, check) {      cont_num = dest_code / 10000;             /*math error check*/   type_num = dest_code/1000 - cont_num*10;      if ( (cont_num <= 7) && (cont_num > 0) &&  (type_num <= 5) && (type_num >=0) )   { /* loop checking destination code*/     check = 2 ;     return check;   }   else   {     printf("%d invalid code\n", dest_code);     check = 1;     return check;   } } 

for strange reason @ scanf("%c", &area_code); runs ahead , print dest_code array without letting me input character , i'm not sure doing wrong.

if you're looking grab 1 character, perhaps better use getchar() instead of scanf()?


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