php - Retrieve autoincrement ID through ODBC -

i'm adding new features legacy application written in php uses oracle 9i database through odbc functions. i've created table has sequence , trigger generate auto-incrementing ids.

now, i'm struggling find way make insert , obtain generated id afterwards:

do need hard-code sequence name , use seq_name.currval in rest of transaction? need ensure right value if there're concurrent accesses?

update: added third point failed attemps

best bet might code insert pl/sql api on database side return id use. e.g.)

create function insert_yourtable(p_f1 number, p_f2 varchar2, ... p_fn varchar2) return number    idval number; begin    insert yourtable(f1, f2,...fn)    values (p_f1, p_f2, ...p_fn)    returning your_id_value idval;    return idval; end; / 

then call prepared statement out param , use id rest of transaction.

whoops - saw "no out params comment...."

ok, guess need manage ui. drop trigger table, a

select yourseq.nextval dual; 

to next available key value, store locally, , of work using retrieved id insert id field in table. sequence ensure have transactional security on id.

what pain in butt implementation of odbc!


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