php - javascript sum returning NaN error -

i have javascript shopping basket, in sum returning nan error,almost every time. in code have

    $('#add-to-basket select').selectbox();     $('#contents select').selectbox().change(function (e) {         var product = $(this).parents('.product');         var ppu     = product.find('.ppu').val();         product.find('.price .wrapper .value').text($(this).val() * ppu);          var total   = 0;          $('.product .price .value').each(function (index, value) {             total += new number($(value));         });          var form = $(this).parents('form');         form.ajaxsubmit(function () {         });          $('#total .value').text(total);     }); 

i tried using parsefloatm still dosn't work...

$(value) gives jquery-wrapped element, not actual value.

you want $(value).val() instead if elements form inputs, or $(value).text() if not.

also, instead of new number(...) should use number(...), or +...:

$('.product .price .value').each(function (index, value) {     total += +$(value).val(); }); 

see this question difference between new number , number.


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