.net - OrderBy, GetNewBindingList and Linq to SQL -

i have background worker performs loading of data database temporary structure.

data d = new data(); d.listgroup = context.groups.getnewbindinglist(); d.tbuser = context.users.orderby(x => x.name);         d.listpricelevel = context.pricelevels.getnewbindinglist(); e.result = d; 

the problem 3rd line (d.tbuser = ... ) being lazy-loaded. sure, can do:

context.users.orderby( x => x.name ).tolist(); 

but again, not bindable list, changes made won't propagate db.

so think need like:

d.tbuser = context.users.orderby( x => x.name ).getnewbindinglist(); 

but doesn't work. goal is: retrieve list of users, ordered name bind-able list. ideas?

thanks time!

adding orderby (like of other query functions) turns query iqueryable<tentity>. fortunately, linq-to-sql's internal query type (dataquery<tentity>) provides bindinglist<tentity> via implementation of ilistsource.

to bindinglist given query, can this:

var bindinglist = ((ilistsource)query).getlist(); 

in case:

d.tbuser = ((ilistsource)context.users.orderby(x => x.name)).getlist(); 

while return type of getlist ilist, is, in fact, actual bindinglist<user>.


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