.NET DateTime serialised to JSON for use in ExtJs JsonStore(event store for ExtJs Calendar)? -

i'm trying set json store extjs calendar.
store uses http proxy retrieve it's data.
stores fields include startdate , enddate objects of type date.
i'm serializing data in c# code json requested http proxy.
wondering should serialize start , endates string or c# datetime type.
@ moment serialising them datetime types.

the json response looks this:

{"data": "items":[{     "cid":"0",     "end":"\/date(1275260400000+0100)\/",     "notes":"4:00",     "start":"\/date(1275260400000+0100)\/",     "title":"basic""}] 

the start , end properties sort of date reference. have tried serialising startdate , enddate's strings rather datetime types. returns following jsonresponse:

{"data": "items":[{     "cid":"0",     "end":"03/06/10",     "notes":"4:00",     "start":"04/06/10",     "title":"basic""}] 

however, in both cases when store has finished loading enddate , startdate fields undefined. should here?
thinking maybe have format dates format expected extjs?

below sample code:

this.eventstore = new ext.data.jsonstore({     id: 'eventstore',     root: 'data.items',     proxy: new ext.data.httpproxy({             url: approotpath + 'calendar/getcalendardata',             method: 'post'     }),//proxy     fields: ext.calendar.eventrecord.prototype.fields.getrange() }); 

check documentation ext.data.field - http://dev.sencha.com/deploy/dev/docs/?class=ext.data.field . has property named 'dateformat' allows specify exact date format.


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