Javascript storing variable -

i want store variable client side, currently, have few selection (javascript variable, cookie, session), because want reduce workload server, incoming parameter not check on server side.

for example,

client side

<div id="showmoney"></div>  <script> var money=10000;  $('#showmoney').html(money);  function changemoney() {  { pass variable 'money' ajax php...}  } </script> 

php side

<?  $money = $_post['money'];  $sql = "update user_details set money = ".$money." uid = 123"; { query...}  ?> 

are there method make more secure, because afraid can modify javascript variable tools(firebug? if yes, how?)

thanks lot~:)

every variable not want user change (such price tag) has stored on server , not on client. there lot of ways change client sends you, , firebug simplest tool. more sophisticated tools allow intercept , edit every http request..


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