How to tag code in C# XML documentation -

i have function:

public static string join(this ienumerable<string> strings, string separator) {     return string.join(separator, strings.toarray()); } 

which want document.
want <return> tag string.join(separator, strings.toarray()) since able read c# code says more thousand words. however, when use

<return>string.join(separator, strings.toarray())</return> 

then string.join(separator, strings.toarray()) formatted plain text, makes unreadable. tried

<return><code>string.join(separator, strings.toarray())</code></return> 

but creates new paragraph...

so here's question:
there way format piece of text appears if code? i'd satisfied fixed-width font.

the <c> tag sounds it's you're looking for. check out msdn's tag reference more details.

that said, sure want documentation refer directly actions performed function? if decide change implementation later? know pretty trivial example, food thought! :)


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