c# - 'Malformed Reference Element' when adding a reference based on an Id attribute with SignedXml class -

unable sign element id attribute when there's namespace prefix:

void main() {     var doc = new xmldocument();     doc.loadxml("<root xmlns:u=\"myuri\"><test u:id=\"_0\">zebra</test></root>");      signedxml signedxml = new signedxml(doc);     signedxml.signingkey = new rsacryptoserviceprovider();      reference reference = new reference("#_0");     signedxml.addreference(reference);      signedxml.computesignature(); } 

computesignature() fail here 'malformed reference element' how should done?

the approach used subclass system.security.cryptography.xml.signedxml class...

public class signedxmlwithid : signedxml {     public signedxmlwithid(xmldocument xml) : base(xml)     {     }      public signedxmlwithid(xmlelement xmlelement)          : base(xmlelement)     {            }      public override xmlelement getidelement(xmldocument doc, string id)     {         // check see if it's standard id reference         xmlelement idelem = base.getidelement(doc, id);          if (idelem == null)         {             xmlnamespacemanager nsmanager = new xmlnamespacemanager(doc.nametable);             nsmanager.addnamespace("wsu", "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd");              idelem = doc.selectsinglenode("//*[@wsu:id=\"" + id + "\"]", nsmanager) xmlelement;         }          return idelem;     } } 


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