c# - Executing a method from a non-reference dll based on its attributes -

i have visual studio 2008 c# .net 3.5 project accept non-reference dll plugin. plugin implements arbitrary number of classes derived known interface. each class implements set of known functions interface, may implement unknown functions have known attribute.

[attributeusage(attributetargets.method, allowmultiple = false)] public class someattribute : attribute {     public someattribute(string description) { /*...*/ } }  public class pluginclassa : iplugininterface {     public pluginclassa(int some_val) : base(some_val)     {     }      public override void begin() { /*do interesting things...*/ }     public override void end() { /*do interesting things...*/ }      [someattribute("attribute title")]     public void someunknownfunction() { /*do interesting things...*/ }      [someattribute("attribute title")]     public void someotherfunction() { /*do interesting things...*/ } } 

i'd able load plugin dll , execute functions in order:

  1. begin()
  2. each function attribute someattribute
  3. end()

i have this:

static void main(string[] args) {     assembly u = assembly.loadfile("plugin.dll");     foreach (type t in u.gettypes())     {         if (t.getinterface("iplugininterface") != null)         {             iplugininterface plugin = (iplugininterface)activator.createinstance(t, new int());             plugin.begin();              foreach (memberinfo mi in t.getmembers())             {                 if (mi.isdefined(typeof(someattribute), true))                 {                     // found member `someattribute` attribute.                     // how can execute method?                     // i'd need c++ function pointer function.                 }             }              plugin.end();         }     } } 

thanks, paulh

once have methodinfo, can use invoke on that. if memberinfo returned getmembers points method, can cast methodinfo. can use code once have member info:

var method = mi methodinfo; if (method != null)      method.invoke(plugin, null); 

you can create delegate represents method. more suitable if need call more once.

action action = (action) delegate.createdelegate(typeof(action), plugin, method); // calls method pointed methodinfo  action(); 


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