c# - Cannot use SHA-512 in Silverlight? -

pdf: web client integration via url says:

ascertaining sha-512 hash passphrase (result 512 bits). can implemented in .net using sha512managed-class problem project in silverlight , sha512managed not available silverlight nor implementation available silverlight right now.

so blocked @ sha512 step:

var passphrase = "mypassphrase";  byte[] bytevalue = (new sha512managed()).computehash(system.text.encoding.utf8.getbytes(passphrase)); byte[] key = new byte[32]; byte[] iv = new byte[16]; array.copy(bytevalue, key, 32); array.copy(bytevalue, 32, iv, 0, 16);  // declare stream used encrypt in memory // array of bytes. memorystream msencrypt = null;  // create rijndaelmanaged object // specified key , iv. aesalg = new aesmanaged(); aesalg.key = key; aesalg.iv = iv; 

can please let me know if there other way encode url ?

mono has implementation use, provided happy os license.



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