sharepoint - data binding not displaying data using InfoPath form -

i have simple workflow employee can request product. product submission designed in infopath. manager gets approve or reject decision. added tasks manager using "collect data user" action in spd, added reject or approve checkboxes. but, want design form can see requester of product, product information stored in list (lets lista) workflow runs on.

for this, click on managerapproval.xsn in forms box in spd. added new data connections lista, , selected option required information. then, added requestername, productname etc in form using queryfields. there queryfields , datafields, difference between them ?

i publish form, doesn't display value empty text boxes, when manager approving request. don't know whats wrong ? thanks

edit : using datafields, can see data. but, see id of product not value (eg see 1,2 not proda, prodb). and, see whole list of products in lista, intend see values current item. there repeating section in infopath form, when drag fields form. how can filter show values (infact 1 value - 1 product name, 1 requstername not whole list previous requests , completed) current item ?

or alternatively, there way design custom form manager approval using infopath, form can called inside workflow ?

query fields - field names, defined in xml schema, data fields actual data

use data fields instead of query fields.

when create connection data sharepoint xml sample below. in - contains query fields: ows_linktitle

node contains data.

- <xml xmlns:s="uuid:bdc6e3f0-6da3-11d1-a2a3-00aa00c14882" xmlns:dt="uuid:c2f41010-65b3-11d1-a29f-00aa00c14882" xmlns:rs="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:rowset" xmlns:z="#rowsetschema"> - <s:schema id="rowsetschema">     - <s:elementtype name="row" content="eltonly" rs:commandtimeout="30">     -   <s:attributetype name="ows_linktitle" rs:name="title" rs:number="1">          <s:datatype dt:type="string" dt:maxlength="512" />          </s:attributetype>       </s:elementtype>   </s:schema>  - <rs:data>   <z:row ows_linktitle="central programme office" />    <z:row ows_linktitle="communications" />    <z:row ows_linktitle="educational resources" />    <z:row ows_linktitle="finance" />    <z:row ows_linktitle="general practice" />    <z:row ows_linktitle="it" />    <z:row ows_linktitle="web , branding" />    </rs:data>   </xml> 


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