objective c - ASIHTTPRequest (ASIS3ObjectRequest) - File not downloaded -

i'm having issue accessing downloaded file. can see downloaded data coming through using didreceivedata delegate method never see file in directory once request finished. also, fwiw i'm requesting .zip file bucket.

-(void)downloadzipfile  {    asis3objectrequest *request = [asis3objectrequest  requestwithbucket:bucket key:keypath];      [request setsecretaccesskey:secretaccesskey];      [request setaccesskey:accesskey];      [request setdelegate:self];      [request setdownloaddestinationpath:[[self documentsdirectory]  stringbyappendingpathcomponent:@"test.zip"]];      [request startsynchronous];  }   - (void)requestfinished:(asihttprequest *)request  {      nserror *error;      nsfilemanager *filemanager = [[nsfilemanager alloc] init];      nslog(@"documents directory: %@", [filemanager  contentsofdirectoryatpath:[self documentsdirectory] error:&error]);     //logging contents of documents directory shows file downloaded not there      [filemanager release];  }   - (nsstring *)documentsdirectory {     nsarray *paths = nssearchpathfordirectoriesindomains(nsdocumentdirectory,                                                          nsuserdomainmask, yes);     return [paths objectatindex:0]; }  

any appreciated.

ah found problem.

first if you're writing data disk using downloaddestinationpath must remove didreceivedata delegate method implementation. make sure set temporarydownloadpath.


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