java - OAuth with Signpost and Apache Commons HTTP -

so i'm working signpost oauth library java. i'm running complications using apache commons http library it. take @ following code:

url url = new url(""); httprequest request = (httprequest) url.openconnection();  consumer.sign(request);  request.connect();  system.out.println("response: " + request.getresponsecode() + " "         + request.getresponsemessage()); 

this taking this example. can see request used httpurlconnection, because i'll using apache commons http library, changed httprequest object. now, i'm getting errors when call connect(), getresponsecode(), , getresponsemessage(), because functions httpurlconnection. functions httprequest use can code compile , run correctly? thanks!

signpost has seperate module using apache's http client. need use commonshttpoauthconsumer this.

this module lives here -

some sample code use here -, comes down instantiating commonshttpoauthconsumer instead of normal one...

if use maven, coordinates here, couldn't find them documented anywhere when trying figure out...

<dependency>     <groupid>oauth.signpost</groupid>     <artifactid>signpost-commonshttp4</artifactid>     <version></version> </dependency> 


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