iphone - IS this class Many part of memory Leak -

i confuse class.

specially memory management.

please guide me nsstring concept @ here.

my class is.

#import <foundation/foundation.h>   @interface itinerary_detail : nsobject {     nsstring *itinerary_title;     nsstring *itinerary_creator;     nsstring *itinerary_identifiere;      nsstring *itinerary_created;     nsstring *itinerary_modified;     } @property (retain) nsstring *itinerary_title; @property (retain) nsstring *itinerary_creator; @property (retain) nsstring *itinerary_identifiere; @property (retain) nsstring *itinerary_created; @property (retain) nsstring *itinerary_modified;  -(void) itinerary_initialization; -(void) itinerary_title:(nsstring *) xml_value; -(void) itinerary_creator:(nsstring *) xml_value; -(void) itinerary_identifiere:(nsstring *) xml_value; -(void) itinerary_created:(nsstring *) xml_value; -(void) itinerary_modified:(nsstring *) xml_value; @end 

and .m class is

#import "itinerary_detail.h" @implementation itinerary_detail @synthesize itinerary_title,itinerary_creator,itinerary_identifiere,itinerary_created,itinerary_modified; -(void) itinerary_initialization {     itinerary_title=@"null";     itinerary_creator=@"null";     itinerary_identifiere=@"null";     itinerary_created=@"null";     itinerary_modified=@"null"; }  -(void) itinerary_title:(nsstring *) xml_value {     itinerary_title=xml_value;  } -(void) itinerary_creator:(nsstring *) xml_value {     itinerary_creator=xml_value;  } -(void) itinerary_identifiere:(nsstring *) xml_value {     itinerary_identifiere=xml_value; } -(void) itinerary_created:(nsstring *) xml_value {     itinerary_created=xml_value; } -(void) itinerary_modified:(nsstring *) xml_value {     itinerary_modified=xml_value; } -(void) dealloc {     [itinerary_title release];     [itinerary_creator release];     [itinerary_identifiere release];     [itinerary_created release];     [itinerary_modified release];     [super dealloc]; } @end 

my question about.

1- type deceleration of nsstring in class of memory leak issue. if yes please how change this.

2- using class other class that

itinerary_detail *check=[[itinerary_detail alloc] init]; [check itinerary_initialization]; [check release]; 

my question right way . or memory leak issue.

please guide me how deceleration of class , how handle memory leak issues.

please me

the problem come fact don't use property directly access member variable. replace itinerary_title=xml_valueby self.itinerary_title=xml_value

btw, string properties (copy) , not (retain) , why create methods while synthesize you.

remove methods .h file , .m file , set property as

@property (copy) nsstring* mystring; 


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