Dynamic images via PHP and BLOB in Mysql -

i have written php script grabs icon mysql dynamically depending on page on.

it works in safari, shows alt tag in firefox , explorer.

any on welcome little stuck!

code pull in image:

echo '<img src="website/_scripts/showicon.php?appid='.$_get['appid'].'" alt="icon" />'; 

showicon.php page:

<?php require(dirname(realpath(__file__)). '/db.inc.php');  mysql_select_db($connection, $table); $appicon = mysql_query("select image_app cc_apps id_app = '1' limit 1", $table) or die(mysql_error()); $ri = mysql_fetch_assoc($appicon);  $imagebytes = $ri['image_app']; header("content-type: image/jpeg"); print $imagebytes;  ?> 

i have used script before, (well similar) , works fine on browsers...

so needed re-upload images database, , change type image/png, , bobs uncle!

thanks comments.


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