c++ - how to document generated constructors in doxygen -

we use doxygen document our classes. explicitly document class has generated constructors and/or destructors, indicate i've thought , decided e.g. copying using generated copy constructor safe. however, constructor/destructor not declared , hence doxygen not know function documentation belongs. there ways make doxygen include function comments if function never declared?

//! foo class documentation class foo {     //! @fn foo(const foo&)      //! generated copy constructor ok use      //! method documentation     void method(); } 

also wouldn't want write signature of generated files @ all.

i guess other option describe in class header. there other approaches?

if use = default notion introduced in c++0x default generated constructors, doxygen should pick them up


i don't know if doxygen has implemented c++0x new keywords , patterns yet though


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