- loop through datatable to create a string that looks like this -

i want loop through datatable column called sdescr , created string looks this.

dim labels string() = {"north", "south", "east", "west", "up", "down"} 

this trying , not working

dim labels string()  each row datarow in tablegraph.rows             labels = labels " ' " + row.item("sdescr") + " ',"         next row 

thank help, test them tomorrow , see works best , mark 1 correct.

do instead

dim labels string() dim labelslist list(of string) = new list(of string) each row datarow in tablegraph.rows   labelslist.add(row.item("sdescr")) next  labels = labelslist.toarray() 

if need comma delimited list instead can do

dim commalabels string = string.join(labels, ",") 


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