sql - What is the recommendation on using NHibernate CreateSQLQuery? -

my gut tells me advanced nhibernate users against , have been looking actual analysis on , have found nothing, i'd answer address these questions:

what pros/cons of using it? there performance implications, both or bad (e.g. use call stored procedures?) in scenarios should use/avoid it? should use/avoid it?

basically, reasons use/avoid , why?

createsqlquery exists reason, executing queries either:

  • not supported
  • hard write

using of other methods.

of course it's last choice, because:

  • it's not object oriented (i.e. you're thinking of tables , columns instead of entities, properties , relationships)
  • it ties physical model
  • it ties specific rdbms
  • it forces more work in order retrieve entities
  • it doesn't automatically support features paging

but if think it's needed particular query, go ahead. make sure learn other methods first (hql, linq, queryover, criteria , get) avoid doing unnecessary work.


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