sql server - Is there a way to get all the stored procedures that can update a specific column in SQL? -

i've got field in table changed value unexpectedly. clearly, stored procedure caused (i've searched few triggers we're using, , no login has update grants on table in our database), , i'm in process of finding 1 did.

if in visual studio, "find references" on field, , task easy.

is there equivalent tool sql ? know "find object dependencies" feature of ssms, return stored procedures (and views) using table, not specific field. (and unfortunately table joined in literally thousands of sql queries)

the column name 'active', doing text search on database schema not gonna lot either (i've got hundreds of tables such field)

so 2 options see :

  • writing complicated regex match updates. writing such regex huge task (because of syntaxix subtleties of sql).
  • using tool this.

do know of such tool (or such regex, or way this) ?

why clear stored procedure change value? have denied direct table access database logins? access database confined stored procedures? if so, should relatively simple matter of searching stored procedures depend upon table , inspecting them.

you use trigger track change column. have used autoaudit-generated triggers able track changes.

the benefit of trigger is @ table-level , part of database schema, regardless of how modifications table requested , regardless of connection mechanism - odbc/ado/sp/agent job/access linked table, etc.


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