php - Uploadify IO Error - related to Apache user? -

i using uploadify , have deployed 3 different servers: windows, lamp cgi php , lamp php running module. developed code in windows server , when deployed linux cgi php, uploadify works perfectly.

however, when deployed in linux php module, got io error in uploadify. interesting thing have other simple upload code using php , works in linux php module server.

anyone here has same experience? related fact user runs apache server apache while owner of directory files uploaded different user. had chmod 777 directory still doesn't work.

any helps appreciated. in advance.

just got confirmation client, when moved site non https, uploads work properly. reason caused problem using uploadify on https site without proper certificate. thing flash component of uploadify give io error opposed clear , detailed error message.

actually got idea possibility of https causing error wordpress forum discussing ajax uploader using flash.

thanks comments, believe many possible causes suggested in comments, , https 1 of them.


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